Unlock the Impossible
Achieve the Unimaginable.
Break Boundaries.
Lead Boldly.
Michaël Cohen
NeuroCoach, NeuroLeader & RTT Practitioner

Does it sounds familiar
Are you not only responsible for your co-workers or your employees but also a loving parent?
Do you feel exhausted and struggle with professional or personal changes?
You feel slowed down even though you are doing your best. You ask yourself where the energy should come from to continue to cope with all of the responsibilities and tasks.
You want more clarity and energy, self-confidence, and serenity to cope with the constant changes and make better decisions that suit you because you know that this will give you more balance in the tension between work, family, and me-time.
You want to reframe the old beliefs and blocages you have built over the years that prevent you from reaching THE NEXT LEVEL.
You want to increase your sense of self-worth so that you like yourself, feel good about yourself, and believe in yourself while becoming permanently free from self-sabotage and self-destructive thoughts and behaviors.
Don’t wait longer
THEY Worked With ME

Years Of Experience
People Supported
Companies accompanied
Millions $ Generated

What Most People Know
About Me
These ventures gave me the opportunity to meet amazing people, work with inspiring managers and business tycoons, and learn from inspiring coaches and mentors.As an executive and business leader, I have overseen multiple high-pressure organizations and led a variety of impactful projects and initiatives.
Adept at tapping into my own true performance potential, I am also exceptional at empowering and inspiring others to tap into their own, motivating them to dig deeper and build on their natural gifts and talents.
I lead by example first and foremost, working diligently in any role that I take on and thus pushing others to do the same.
I am passionate about leadership and action because I have seen what a difference they can make in the world. Because of my dedication, I have established myself as an effective manager, organizer, and planner and positioned me as a guru in the field, affording others valuable insights into the secrets of action-taking and creative leadership.
I am combining all of these skills and abilities to benefit others and the organizations of which they are part.
With Hugh Hilton
With Mark Wahlberg
With Steve Wozniak
What Most People
Don’t Know
About Me
All this before 45!
I lost my dad before I was 30, and despite not being that young, it had a significant impact on my life.
At 30, I learned I could not have children, but I finally became the father of 4 boys thanks to my lovely wife, a widow at 30 with four children.
I experienced a significant burnout in my career. I had a major bacterial infection in my throat that would have killed me without emergency surgery.
All that affected me with an incredible desire to “understand”.
To understand why after successful studies; why after a successful career reaching top senior management level in major companies; why such a “successful” person can make a burnout and feel so unhappy in his life.
That’s how I came into coaching, and I learned Neuroscience and Rapid Transformation Therapy to become a NeuroCoach and RTT Practitioner.
I wanted to understand how I could change my OWN perspectives in my life, impact others’ lives and pass on what I learned.

Success stories
A Trusted Advisor
When people need support
they call me
Where I can Help
Get clear and focused on your goals and objectives to create more meaning in your moments by aligning who you are with what you do and radically change your life.
Whether you want to better your life, advance your career or grow your business, you need to define a proper strategy and take massive actions.
Eliminate Limiting Beliefs
Understand and implement the life-changing mantra of ‘I Am Enough’ to build self-love and eliminate limiting beliefs and behaviors forever.
As well as providing direction, inspiration, and guidance, good leaders exhibit courage, passion, confidence, commitment, and ambition. They nurture the strengths and talents of their people.
Accountability coaching
Understand how your actions leads you towards or away from your goals, and create an game plan you actually execute.
Stop Being Busy BEING BUSY
Learn the rituals that predict success. No matter how busy you are, no matter what’s on your plate, you absolutely must set practices to over-delivering every single day for the rest of your life.
Every individual who is in a profession should have career goals and some objectives that are over and above their day to day objectives of earning and working.
We often hear that self-sabotage is the cause of procrastination, but what if it was instead a protection mechanism. You will learn to identify what is behind the fears that are blocking you.
Leonardo da Vinci was a great one for making new connections. His greatest breakthroughs came from connecting the unconnected and the insights gained by bringing different perspectives together.
Mindset & Strategy
Michael’s Advantage
Most people are held back by their own limiting beliefs – they become trapped in a cycle of negative self-talk and become convinced they’re unworthy or unable to accomplish their goals
Save yourself decades of trial and error. You’ll learn that it’s never a lack of resources holding you back – it’s a lack of resourcefulness.
Most of us know what to do, but don’t take the actions to follow through on our goals. We tell ourselves we’re not smart enough. Strong enough. Brave enough. What holds you back is not your capabilities – it’s the fear of failure. It’s ok to be afraid, but it is not ok to let fear stop you.
I help you set goals, identify what’s holding you back and learn to move past fear.
Learn how to take massive action and commit in times of uncertainty.
Step out of your comfort zone to where the real growth happens, and start living an extraordinary life today!
Ready to talk ? – Get a free 30-minute strategy session to get started! In just one powerful session, you will:
↪ Get absolute clarity on YOUr top goals for the next years
↪ Isolate and reframe limiting beliefs that have held you back
↪ Devise an action plan to achieve your desired outcomes
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Your are far more powerful than YOU know !
A Word from Michaël
Transform to perform
I believe every entrepreneur and intrapreneur deserves the opportunity to see his or her dream become reality.
And guess what—there’s a little bit of creative entrepreneur inside all of us and at every level of business growth.
I am not your typical ‘success’ coach. My mission is to draw out of my clients a mission so powerful that nothing will stop them.
So, welcome to my digital home, a place where innovative leaders like you can be equipped to more than 100X your success!
Be sure to get connected to my community, so we can stay in touch.

Take action today
Connect With Michael
I’d love to hear from you. So if you have a question, a comment or just want to connect, please send me an email to hello@michaelcohen.co with the purpose of your inquiry or your question or simply fill out the form.